AspectWorks test for position Java Programator Junior (12/2007)
1) There are two tables in DB, Emloyment (empId, name, depId) and Department(depId, name). Write a SQL statement which displayes all employees from 'Finance' department.
2) Presume the table Employee (empId, name, depId) exists in a DB. Write a SQL statement, which creates a new employee name 'John Hopper', emplyee Id 13 and department Id 3
3) Describe the meaning of database transaction. Define the basic transaction characteristics - ACID.
4) What does OLTP application stand for?
5) What does OLAP application stand for?
6) How many insert statements can perform Oracle 9i database in one second? Presume a PC with one 1GHz processor and 1GB RAM. The database table has around 25 columns.
7) Write down the three basic principles of OOP.
8) Define when a method is overridden.
9) Define when a method is overloaded.
10) How is inheritance implemented in Java? Choose the most suitable answer.
11) Choose correct statements about an abstract class in Java>
a) it is not possible to create a subclass of an abstract class
b) it is not possible to create an instance of an abstract class
c) abstract class has to have at least one abstract method
d) abstract class can implement only one interface
e) abstract class can share common code for subclasses
f) abstract class cannot be final
12) What is the meaning of the final key word in Java? For which entities in Java can you apply this key word?
13) Which of the following JDK collection classes are ordered? Ordered means the sequence of items returned by an iterator is the same as they were inserted.
a) java.util.ArrayList
b) java.util.HashSet
c) java.util.Vector
d) java.util.TreeSet
e) java.util.LinkedHashSet
14) What is a garbage collection in Java?
15) Enumerate as least three J2EE applications servers.
16) Which EJB component is used to implement the business logic in the J2EE application?
a) logic bean
b) entity bean
c) session bean
d) business component
17) Choose the possible implementations of session tracking in the web application
a) HTTP headers
b) cookies
c) database
d) URL rewriting
e) SSL identifier
18) What inversion of control stands for?
a) Software development metodology where the team is driven by the requrements from developers.
b) Way of building Java Swing applications. All events go throgh a main message loop.
c) Inverted relationship between two database tables (e.g. many-to-one)
d) Design pattern that addresses component depemdency resolution, configuration and lifecycle.
19) Explain the difference between JSP page and servlet.
20) Enumerate at least five J2EE specifications.
21) Enumerate at least five design patterns.
22) Describe the difference between GET and POST in the HTTP protocol. Explain an advantage of each one.
23) Draw a UML class diagram which describes this situation:
- class Employee implements Resource interface
- class Manager inherits class Employee
- class Department has 0..n instances of Employee
24) Explain the terms serialization and deserialization in Java.
25) Enumerate at least three Java open source projects supported by Apache Software Foundation
26) Enumerate at least three Java open source projects outside Apache Software Foundation
27) Enumerate at least three IDE for Java development.
28) Enumerate the basic types of JMS communication. Describe the difference between them.
29) Explain the usage of the synchronized key word in Java.
30) Enumerate three basic web services specifications.
31) What are allowed operations for an applet running in browser in default setting?
a) start a new application on the clients computer (e.g. word processor)
b) download additional data from server which was used to download applet
c) write data to the hard drive
d) read data from the hard drive
e) send the data to server ehich was used to download applet
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